If you hold RETA certifications such as CARO, CIRO, and CRST. Once the exam is passed, 24 professional development hours (PDH) are required to be submitted to RETA's Certification Database every 3 years. 50-minutes of approved instruction equals one PDH, which can be obtained in-house, online, or during contracted training like ours!
Letting your 3-year expiration date pass without submitting documentation means losing your hard-earned certification 👎
Keep up with continued education by following these guidelines:
✏ RETA Study Course (by authorized instructor w/70%+ final exam) = 24 PDH
✏ RETA Study Course (self-taught w/70% final exam) = 20 PDH
✏ IIAR Workshops = 1 PDH per hour; Max. 20 PDH
✏ Related Science Course (by accredited college or tech school) = 1 PDH per hour; Max. 10 PDH
✏ Contractor Training Sessions = 1 PDH per hour; No max! MySafety can help you fulfill this!
✏ In-House Company Training = 1 PDH per hour; Max. 8 PDH
✏ PSM/RMP Training = 1 PDH per hour; Max. 8 PDH
NOTE: HAZWOPER courses are not eligible for RETA renewal purposes. Renewal fees are due before certification expires. Annual membership fee is separate from the renewal fee.
When you're looking for a variety Ammonia Safety Training courses to fulfill your PDH requirement, reach out to MySafety anytime:
(513) 332-1731
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